Help for Setting up DBabble for Windows
Downloading DBabble
Installing DBabble
Specifying the Server Name
Proxy Server Settings
Time Out
Downloading DBabble
Before you can setup DBabble for Windows, you must first download it.
If you have not already done so, you can download it here
DBabble Version 2.9e
(1,880,116 bytes - should take about 4 minutes over a 56K modem)
Installing DBabble
Once it has finished downloading, install DBabble by double-clicking on it.
Once it has finished installing, you should be able to login, or create a new account if you have not already done so.
If you are having problems doing so, read the following sections.
Specifying the Server Name
When DBabble has finished installing it should automatically be configured to connect to the server you downloaded it from.
If for some reason you need to change the the DBabble server you connect to, you can do so by clicking on the Configure button.
The address should say
If it does not, then change it to this value.
Proxy Server Settings
If you don't have a direct connection to the internet, or must connect through a proxy server, you may need to specify your proxy server settings.
Normally, DBabble will try to find out your existing Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer settings and use those.
However, if for some reason it can't find them, or you want to specify alternative settings, you click the Configure button on the Login page and go the the advanced settings.
You are prohibited from modifying Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer settings, but if you select Custom Settings, you can specify your own.
Note - By default, DBabble will try a direct connection before resorting to using the proxy server.
This is due to connecting through a proxy server degrading performance.
You can override this behavior by unchecking the "Use a direct connection rather than proxy server if possible" checkbox.
Time Out
In the advanced configuration settings, you can specify a Time Out value.
This represents how long DBabble will wait for a reply from the server before giving up on it.
If you have a particularly slow connection to your DBabble server, you may want to increase this value.